If you want to evolve, you must evaluate.
When we eat the cupcake, we do one of two things. We either beat ourselves up or we let ourselves off the hook.
Neither of these work if we want to lose weight for the last time.
Instead we must be the brave badasses that we are and LOOK at what happened. BUT we must LOOK with LOVE.
Say to yourself WITH LOVE:
Why did I eat that cupcake?
What was really going on for me there?
What do I want to do next time?
What can I think next time instead of what I was thinking last time?
You will not want to LOOK.
To your brain it is like looking at a murder scene. It is not.The first couple of times you LOOK you may feel shame (that is okay), this is because we have been trained to think that when we make a mistake it MEANS we are losers at life. That we are failures. That we suck.
When you make a mistake it actually MEANS you are learning. AND in order to lose weight for the last time, you HAVE (like it is it literally apart of the curriculum!!!) to make mistakes so you can learn from them and then make necessary changes!
Losing weight for the last time is a skill. Like anything else you learn. It is like learning Spanish, or learning to ski or learning how to parent.
It is going to be ugly sometimes. It is okay.
You will get there as long as you LOOK and EVALUATE.
It is a practice, not a perfect. If you want to evolve and lose weight for the last time, you must evaluate.
Evaluating is not optional.
Are you picking up what I am putting down or what!!!???
Get on THE LIST now if you know you want to apply for the next round of The Yummy Mummy Experience (my 6 month coaching and course that gets you to having lost weight for the last time) . It is first come first serve and those on the list get major priority and early access. Doors will open again in late June for the July 2022 Yummy Mummy Experience.
The Link is here!
Have the Best Day Ever,