Do you guys have one of those partners/ friends/ husbands that won’t stop and ask where the pacifiers are in Target?

Not naming names or anything over here.

But I may have witnessed this a time or two.

Why not just ask for HELP!!!??

Well, there is actually a simple reason.

It is just because we think...

*I *should* be able to do it on my own.

*Something must be wrong with me if I can’t figure it out on my own.

*It will be better / faster on my own.

*It won’t take me that long anyway.

*If I do it on my own then I won’t have wasted someone else’s time.

*Help is fine for other people but I don’t really need it.

What I want to know is:

Is this way of thinking working for you?

Are you getting what you want?

Or are you just wandering around in Target picking up shit you don’t need and not actually finding what you went in for in the first place?

See where I am going?

Are you wasting this one precious life trying to figure it out on your own but really getting no where?

I know I was.

For 20 years I was trying the same thing over and over and over again. I mean each diet had a different name. But it was the same thing.

For 20 years I was wandering around the proverbial target.

What is the real COST of this way of thinking and being?

Really, it is just you not getting what you want.

So what about another way?

What about asking for help?

Yes you might feel a little scared or raw, but it will be so worth it.

Doing it on your own is the slowest way to do something.

Like for example.

4 years ago I asked to borrow money for a Life Coach and Weight Loss Coach Certification even though my brain didn’t want to.

It made me want to BARF. I was nervous and vulnerable. My brain wanted to make it mean that I was lazy and bad and wrong and irresponsible.

But I was willing to see that was just my brain and then feel really barfy so I could get what I wanted.

And so I did.

And now?

I make asking for help mean:

*I am resourceful and creative.

*That we as humans aren’t supposed to do it alone.

*Hello “it takes a village” (that is for adults too).

*That asking for help is way better and WAY faster than doing it alone.

*That paying for help is the BEST use of money.

* I decided to start thinking I am actually MORE of a bad ass when I get help.

What is so crazy is that not only did I pay it back, I learned the skill of asking for help and knowing I can figure anything out with a little help.

If I hadn't asked for help? I wouldn't be certified to coach yet. And that actually breaks my heart.

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