Real VS Best


What if this year we go for the REAL version of ourselves instead of the BEST version of ourselves?


Of course it could be the same thing.


But what I’m noticing is “best” can sometimes be guise for perfect.


Perfect, as you know, is impossible. Not to mention exhausting, anxiety-inducing and fake.


What would it mean if you intended for more of the REAL version of you to be seen, experienced, lived? What would be possible if you went for REAL?


For me it would be more fun, more raw, more scary, more impactful, more uncomfortable, I’d have to be willing for people to judge and misunderstand me.


But you know what? It’d be REAL. And ultimately REAL IS THE BEST.


I know for some of my clients REAL means owning that they just want to look sexy and wear that awesome dress that has been hanging in the closet for years.


REAL means it is okay to want to lose the weight for “shallow” reasons. (pssst…wanting this is not shallow, but a certain sub culture will tell you it is).


REAL might be cultivating the ability to say NO. Without further explanation. Sure you can say No, thank you.


But REAL can mean saying no to them to say yes to you.


When it comes to food, or activities, or drinks or anything. You really can just say no. No one (k - most people) wants a liar anyway. And when you say yes when your heart is begging you to say no, that is a lie.


REAL might mean exploring. Because a lot of us don’t even know what REAL means. We have been hiding and pretending for so long we forgot who we even are. It might mean stumbling and falling in pursuit of REAL freedom and aliveness, which you will undoubtedly find when you go look.


So let’s GET REAL this year.


You have just a week to apply to be a 1 on 1 client OR apply to be inside The Yummy Mummy Experience: A 3 month group coaching and course where we create REAL permanent weight loss and health results. Both start January 11th.


If you want to be ‘21 the year of DONE when it comes to weight loss, food drama and body loathing - this is for you. This is your sign. Here is the link to book a consult - the first of two easy steps in saying yes to you. The consults are super fun and you will get at least one powerful takeaway so you can feel better now.


Have the BEST New Year Ever,




I just spent $25,000 on a coaching program


Losing Weight: Made Easy