To Gym or Not To Gym....
Hey Gorgeous Babe!
Me before the gym....
How will I feel if I don’t go to the gym? A little relieve and then like total ass.
How will I feel if I do go to the gym? Alive + Energized.
What do I have to be willing to feel right now to decide to actually go to the gym?
Resistance. Ugh.
So the formula is:
Feel a tiny bit of resistance now and get hours worth of alive and energized later.
Feel a tiny bit of relief now and get hours worth of feeling like ass later.
PLUS: if I go with the first option I also get the compound beny's of working out. Like more lean muscle mass, better sleep, more focus, less stress, I could go on and on!
Apply this formula to saying no thank you to the food that doesn’t serve you and you will create life long success, freedom and lightness.
Your choice.
Have the Best Day Ever,