Episode 66 | You Don't Have to Work Out to Lose Weight (Pt. 2)

It might be super scary to let go of working out as a way to lose weight.

In this episode we hear from several Yummy Mummies who have untangled weight loss and working out and freed themselves of so much unnecessary pressure that was actually blocking them from weight loss.

Tune in and your mind will be blown and you feel so much more free just from learning about a new and better possibility.

If you want to lose weight for the last time and free yourself from food and body drama forever be sure you are on the waitlist for the next round of the Yummy Mummy Experience.

Doors open in March. Click here now!


Episode 67 | Magic + Weight Loss/Lessons from Liz Gilbert


Episode 65 | You Don't Have to Work Out to Lose Weight (Pt. 1)