Episode 43 | A Client Success Story: Tere Anne + Riding a Bike

If you want to know what it is like to work together, tune the freak in because my client Tere Anne gives the BEST analogy EVER! So many people just can't wrap their heads around all that we teach inside The Yummy Mummy, Tere Anne does the best job at describing it! PLUS she has a wonderful story that you will love to hear, you will be lit up by her reliability and get several nuggets that will help you NOW!

If you are ready to work together click here and if you want to join my free Masterclass: How to be at your DREAM WEIGHT forever without counting, saying no to social events or depriving yourself click here. It is Wednesday, Sept 8 at 10am PT. See you there!


Episode 44 | Client Success Story: Andrea + Feelings


Episode 42 A Client Success Story: Sara Henderson + Freedom