Episode 14 | Other People’s Opinions of What You Eat

Is it hard for you to stick to your plan because of what other people might say? Does your partner give you a hard time? Do you tend to eat something because you don’t want to make anyone feel bad? Do you feel like you don’t really know how to say no politely? Are you scared of other people judging or thinking badly about you for what you eat or don't eat?

This is totally normal. I get it.And it is not serving us and our goals. Other people are just not a good reason to eat in a way that does not serve us. Listen in to hear new tips and tools on how to navigate these tricky situations. You will feel so relieved and able to handle any social situation or interaction!


Episode 15 | Lose it for the Last Time: The Masterclass


Episode 13 | Rethinking Restriction