Episode 121 | Mindset Shift: Weight Loss as a Skill

Yummies, it’s time to get comfy…cos it’s story time!

But this isn’t just any old story…

This is a story that will become the most important analogy to help you lose weight for the last time. The missing jigsaw piece in achieving the mindset you need to ditch diets FOREVER!

So let’s not waste any more time and let me take you back to when my husband and I went skiing at Winter Park, Colorado…

I wanted to get to a certain chairlift, but it was a Saturday so it was hella busy. So off we went in pursuit of a chairlift that didn't have a silly wait.

Eventually, we got to the top of the slope we’d decided on.

Those of you that ski might be familiar with the classic ‘bail out’ moment you have at the top of some slopes…

You know the ones where you take one look and it’s a quick ‘no thank you, bye.’

Well this slope was one of those for me.

Except…it was impossible to bail out. Literally no escape route. Nada.

A freakin’ vertical drop with moguls and I’m trapped. Wonderful. Absolutely no way I could get down.

So I was totally flushed with fear, my palms were sweating, and the rage at my husband was rapidly building.

Why the hell did he take us here? To this ridiculous slope?!

(We’d both never been to Winter Park before but sssshh…)

Full of disbelief, I knew the only option was to go through it. That was the only freakin’ way out.

Before I know it, my husband is gone. Flying down the slope while I watched on, fearing for his life and shouting obscenities at him.

Meanwhile, as my heart was beating out of my chest, I created this mantra for myself…

‘One mogul at a time, take your time, you got this.’

I repeated it over and over again in my head as I took the plunge.

Feeling like a boss b*tch as I powered down the slope, everything suddenly came crashing down…

It happened. I fell. Not the worst fall, but yanno…still a fall.

My ski popped out, I’m laying there on the ground covered in snow, and all I wanted to do was cry.

So I let myself have that pity party, I let my brain come up with all the excuses about how I could just stay there, wait for ski patrol and give up on what was a stupid thing to try and do in the first place. Oh, and I obviously got super mad at my husband and blamed him for everything.

But once I’d mustered up the motivation to get back up…I went for it.

And guess what?! I was actually starting to get the hang of it. I was even having FUN! So much so my husband starts freakin’ filming me (wth?!). I actually began to see how I could get good at this mogul stuff. Was this the start of my new career as a moguler?!

And so I got down to the bottom of the slope and boy, did we celebrate!

I cannot tell you how rewarding it felt after being such an effin’ hard time at the top. It was totally worth the OTT celebrations at the bottom.

But anymahoo, The big question is why the heck am I telling you all this?

I’m telling you because this entire experience is SO related to weight loss. 

Maybe it’s not skiing, but think about any skill you have ever learned…riding a bike, swimming, playing tennis…whatever it is - were you amazing right off the bat? No. No you weren’t.

So why are we treating weight loss so differently?

Why do we expect to do a plan perfectly and instantly shift the weight forever? Weight loss is a skill, just like skiing. A skill you need to learn and perfect over time. 

Of course you’re nervous and scared at the beginning, just like I was at the top of the slope…but you would be about any new skill you’d never done before! So that feeling of anxiety when you first sign up is completely normal.

Or maybe you’re scared because you have done it before, but you failed. But let’s face it, you were probably trying to ice skate down a black diamond ski slope. Aka, you were not doing it the Yummy Mummy way!

In the Yummy Mummy Experience, you’ll develop your mantra, just like I did. 

‘One meal at a time, one coaching call at a time…I can do this. I got this.’

You’ll also probably fall on your ass at some point. Overindulge in a few too many cupcakes. And, yes, you’ll probably point the finger at me (like I did with my husband). But it’s ok, you’re allowed to have your pity party. Just remember not to make it last forever. You get back up, say your mantra and pick up that momentum again.

And at the bottom of that mountain, you’re gonna give me the biggest high 5 of your life.

Because just like my husband was my little cheerleader, you’ll have your own cheerleaders inside the Yummy Mummy community. They’ll support you and pick you up when you fall. Because you can only really learn by falling.

We’ll document progress just like my husband filmed me, so that we can evaluate and learn from our mistakes. We’re taught so much that we shouldn't fall down, feel scared, doubtful or feel disappointed. But this is all totally allowed, and we should celebrate small wins! 

Thousands of people can ski moguls, and thousands of people have lost weight for the last time. So let yourself want it, and let yourself believe in it, even if you fall down.  Any skill you’ve ever learned involved blood, sweat and tears at some point.

And one last thing we can learn from this…

As much as I wanted to at the time, I really couldn't have called ski patrol.

It was impossible to get out. I put myself in a container that forced me to learn.

It’s exactly the same with YMX. If you’ve paid $5000, you're not gonna quit. You’re putting yourself in the Yummy Mummy container. It is impossible to quit, the only way is through. 

And waiting for you on the other side is weight loss for the very last time.

Now have yourself the best week ever chicas!

 Ciao ciao x


Episode 122 | How to Make Weight Loss Your #1 Priority


Episode 120 | Retreats and Radical Transformations