Episode 198 | How to be a Skinny Mom (Pt. II)


Time for part 2 of how to be a skinny mom! 

Keep in mind that we’re using ‘skinny’ as an adjective that describes a mom who feels hot, confident in her skin, and like the best version of herself. You can choose whatever term you want! That’s the beauty of it. 

If you’re wondering “Okay Laura, but how the heck do I get from feeling frickin’ terrible to amazing?” then go listen to part 1 of this two-parter. I lay out the whole foundation. One of the reasons we don’t weigh what we want is because we have too many demands on our time and energy, so we feel stressed. Part 1 talks about how to avoid getting to that place of overwhelm. 

Part 2 is going to pick up with what to do when stress does inevitably happen (hel-lo stress-eating) and what to do in the moments after you realize you soothed yourself with food.

This episode is going to dive into strategies from a compassionate place and I think you’re really going to resonate with it!

Listen in and hear more about: 

  • Multiple stress management strategies so you can choose one that works for you

  • How to make a counter argument with your brain when it urges you to overeat

  • Ways to look at food and weight with a big picture, long-term lens

  • The importance of persistence and learning from your mistakes 

Weighing what you want to weigh is a skill, which means it’s something you can learn. The School of Skinny (my 5-day weight loss challenge) is IN SESSION September 9th-13th but just like any other school, you have to enroll! You can do that at lauraconley.com/school and walk away with a black and white weight loss plan you know you’ll follow.


Episode 199| How to Stop Gaining and Losing the Same 4 Pounds


Episode 197 | How to be a Skinny Mom