Episode 165 | Learning to Love Your Body Unconditionally: Yum Mum Leonora’s Weight Loss Journey

Heads up for an extra-super-duper-crazy-special episode. You’ve been warned!

Yum Mum Alum Leonora joined me for an episode to talk about all the ways the Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX) changed her personal experience of food, eating, and her body for the better. 

From her middle-school age days of writing to “fat camps” to request program catalogs to eating grapefruit and rice cakes in college, Leonora held onto stories from a very young age that her body was not as it should be.

And Leonora was the first to say that even though she shed 40 pounds in 4 months inside YMX, what REALLY impacted her on a daily basis was the shedding of those STORIES she carried about her body, her weight, and her worthiness for so many years.

Like that her body was too ugly to be seen in bathing suits or revealing clothes (relatable much?).

As a result of the work she’s done in YMX, Leonora finally loves her body unconditionally. 

I love her story so much because it really drives home that this work is NOT just about calculating the number of pounds you’ve lost. The TRUE gift is the freedom from those painful stories you’ve believed about yourself, and creating love between yourself and your body. 

Listen in to our conversation and you’ll hear more about:

  • Leonora’s journey and struggles with body image

  • How Leonora leaned on the YMX community when things felt hard

  • Specific ways to have your own back on your journey

  • Why true body love is more delicious than any jean size

  • Leonora’s surprising favorite takeaway from YMX (spoiler: not weight loss)

AND, quick reminder to sign up for the January 17th kickoff for the next cohort of the Yummy Mummy Experience. THIS time, we’re doing something super fun: a 30 pounds in 90 days challenge! If you don’t want to miss it, get your booty over there and enroll today.


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