Episode 105 | Is our weight in the way?
In this special episode we celebrate the 10 year anniversary of me leaving corporate America to live out (one of my) my calling as a coach!
Tune in to hear how I did it and how you can do it too! What I share in this episode is a roadmap to help you to create any "crazy" desire you might have for yourself and WHY you must listen to your deep desires!
I firmly believe we have a right and even a responsibility to live out our desires - whether that is to lose weight for the last time or do pursue our dream job!
I am extending the win free stuff segment until November 18th!
Want in on a Fox Box ($50 of value!)?
1. Write a review AND/OR share the podcast on social media.
2. Send us a DM or email to laura@lauraconley.com with a screenshot of the review and/or post (any kind of post on any platform) and your address!
3. We will send you (that is right EVERYONE gets gift!!!) a fun Fox Box surprise in the mail! We will also enter you in a raffle to win even more swag!! READ: vuori joggers and more!!! Prizes will be in the mail mid- November and the Vuori winner will be announced on the podcast on November 15th!
4. Don't be scared - just do it! It helps more mamas find us and become free forever!