You deserve a
weight loss


that works

    A plan that’s fun to stick to….


    Lose 10 lbs in 30 days with… THE PLAN
    (a new and different, step-by-step roadmap that ends yo-yo dieting & food drama).

    You can finally say GOOD BYE to one-size-fits-all plans that lead you to stuff your face. 

    This is the solution you didn’t think there was a solution to - finally!! 

    What's Included:

    • A science-backed, personalized plan that will have you down at least 10 pounds in 30 days  

    • A system that'll ensure you enjoy your life as you reach your dream come true weight

    • The Plan Platter - The foundations you need to create your Perfect Plan that F*in' Works

    • Understand how sleep, sugar, vitamins, exercise, and water fit exactly into your Perfect Plan

    • The release of the weight (physical, mental, emotional) so you can be present and live your one precious life super present and having so much fun

      This process has helped 100s of women lose weight.

      You need a plan that works for YOU, not a one-size-fits-all! 

      I am going to help you create it in a very systematized way that WORKS!!!

      Be done with diets forever!

      Weight loss built for real life

      Proven process to adjust your plan for inevitable success

      As you begin to lose weight, you will start to adjust your Perfect Plan so that you keep losing weight for F*in' good. This bonus section helps you know exactly how to know when you need to make changes and guides you through exactly how to make them for you and YOUR life. 

      Daily planning sheets to keep you on track

      Get copies of the protocol planning sheets that will give you the exact blueprint you need to make your Perfect Plan an actionable plan so you lose 10 pounds in 30 days FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME!

        Hey, I’m Laura

        I help moms lose weight AND love themselves (you can have both)!

        After nearly 20 years of struggling to lose weight, I went on a mission to crack the code. And I finally found the “secret sauce” for ending my struggles with weight, food, and body image—Now it is your turn! 

        I make weight loss fun so you can reach your dream weight and maintain it while enjoying your life & loving yourself!