Do you live-to-eat or eat-to-live?

I’ll never forget one of my good friends always saying…

“I eat to live, I just really don’t care that much about food.”




How was this possible? Food was everything!

You see, I was a LIVE TO EATER.

I was always thinking about what I was going to eat on the weekends, the new restaurants I was going to try.

I was always finding my joy from food.

BUT YOU GUYS! Here is the thing.

My eat-to-live friend was always, without effort, naturally thin. (bee-atch ;))

And I wasn’t. I was always hard core struggling with my weight.

So I thought maybe I care too much about food. Maybe I desire it too much. Maybe I put too much importance on it.

I was right. I did.

And when I stopped caring so much about food and started caring about other things rather than food, I began to weigh my natural weight effortlessly. (I can teach you how to do this btw)

This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy and desire food.

It doesn’t mean that my hubby and I don’t go out to fabulous restaurants.

It just means that I live for other more important things - like being with my kids, like being outside, like really help my clients transform their lives and weight.

And if you don’t believe me that this is possible (I didn’t believe I could change either when this was suggested to me as a possibility…!) book a call and let’s talk about it!

About why it is possible for you to lose weight for the last time, by slightly lowering your overdesire for food.

Have the Best Week EVER!



 it is not fair