Hey Sunshine Sister!!
Can you want to lose weight AND love yourself? Is it possible to want to change something about yourself AND love yourself? Or are these two things mutually exclusive?
I want to offer that we can have both.
I swear it seems like we are not allowed to want to lose weight.
Because if we admit that we want to lose weight that must mean that we don't love ourselves.
And if we don't love ourselves then we must be wrong or bad or not doing it right.
So instead we just pretend to want to be healthy when really we just want to be skinny.
I mean healthy would be nice, but what we really want deep down is to be skinny.
You are allowed to WANT to be skinny, or thin, or at your dream weight or whatever you call it.
You are allowed to WANT to lose weight.
You don't even have to tell anyone except yourself.
And admitting what you truly want is a radical act of self-love.
Denying and lying to yourself about what you really want is the opposite of radical self-love.
Ironic right?
Even more ironic.... in order to lose weight for the last time you have to learn the skill of radical self love (which I happen to teach ;)).
And it is the best thing we can learn, because what is better than being your own BFF (like literally laughing, dancing and having fun with yourself AND warmly hugging yourself when things get really tough - that is the kind of BFF I am talking about) and then being able to teach this to and model this for your kiddos?
Start loving yourself radically by admitting that you want to lose weight. Letting yourself want it.
Then? Loving yourself when you make mistakes and not making those mistakes mean anything about you as a person (aka not beating yourself up or letting yourself off of the hook!).
Then? Getting back up and continuing.
Cheers to 2023 where we get radically honest and radically self lovey.
Have the BEST day ever!
P.S. Enrollment just closed and is sold out for the January Yummy Mummy (Cheers to you if you are IN!) BUT you can get on THE LIST now if you know you want to apply for the next round of The Yummy Mummy Experience (my 6 month coaching and course that gets you to having lost weight for the last time).
It is first come first serve and those on the list get major priority and early access. Doors will open again in late March for the April 2023 Yummy Mummy Experience. Add yourself to the list now by clicking here!