A Weight Loss Myth: BUSTED

This may be very unpopular, but I wish I had known this, so I am telling you.

On the list of ‘ways to lose weight’?

Working out comes in last.

Dead last.

Which is the best news ever.

At least it was for me and is for my clients.

I used to spend HOURS working out per day, by the time I got changed, got to the gym, then actually worked out, drove home, showered, you know the deal.

AND the kicker? All this time spent never actually led me to the result I wanted which was to lose weight for the last time and be done with freaking dieting forever. In fact it could have been working against me.

NOW. I am not suggesting you STOP working out.

Is working out the best thing ever?


When it comes to longevity, disease prevention, stress reduction and mental health, I am ALL in.

But for losing weight it is kind of the worst thing ever.

Not at all what we are conditioned to think but very true.

It leaves us with less time that we could be spending on:

  1.  writing down why we want to lose weight and what we ate everyday.

  2. light meal prep.

  3. reflecting and meditating on creating our dream come true bodies.

And believe it or not all three of these things I just listed are way more effective for losing weight for the last time than working out.

Sometimes working out can leave us:

  1. More hungry which can obviously be counterproductive

  2. More ‘deserving’ of a food that doesn’t actually serve us, again counterproductive

  3. With excess cortisol which can create weight gain

The best part of taking working out off of the list of things I am going to do to lose weight?

The freedom. The release of all the pressure.

I just get to workout because I want to. Because it feels good. It is no longer a punishment. I don’t have to work out for 90 minutes for it to be ‘enough’.

It is so much more fun.

So work out or don’t.

But don't work out as a way to lose weight. It won’t work (for almost everyone) in the long run.


Have the Best Week Ever,



PS if you want to try the new and different thing you actually haven’t tried to lose weight and actually keep it, off book a free call and see if The Yummy Mummy is right for you.

PPS join my 5 Day Sugar Suspend Challenge inside my facebook group! We start November 2 and we will collectively decide to change our bodies and our lives so we can feel so light and alive!


Are you on the Wagon of Hell?


Are you in purgatory?