another secret from inside the CHALLENGE {Day 2}

The last challenge... CHALLENGE is getting SO good. You'll want to hear...

Today we blew our own damn minds with the actual definition of commitment:

Real Commitment is honoring your word to yourself no what: BUT a part of the “no matter what” is no matter if you make a mistake.

Real commitment is when you fall down and you get back up. Over and over again until you reach your goal.

And along the way you will be getting better at honoring your protocol.

We are taught the opposite, we are taught that commitment is making a promise to ourselves and then following through on our promise PERFECTLY.

This definition does not work if we want to lose weight for the last time because it inevitably leads to throwing in the towel mentality and quitting.

Real Commitment also includes writing out as many obstacles and strategies ahead of time.

An obstacle is anything that could get in the way of you honoring your commitment and from there creating a strategy on how to handle it.

Make sure the strategy to overcome the obstacle includes what you will DO and what you will THINK.

It is helpful to not only pre plan for these obstacles but to also collect obstacles in real time AND after you have made a mistake.

Once you have made a mistake you have a new obstacle for which to create a strategy for.

It is still not too late to join the last challenge.... challenge! Thinking it is too late is just old diet mentality.

Head to the private pop up facebook page now and watch the video from today and do the light homework from today (all posted right inside and is very easy to find!). It is simple and FUN!

PS if you missed day 1 here is the gold!...

DAY 1: What we covered (a brief summary):

- Are you willing to commit to ONE THING / INTENTION / GOAL this year?

(this is the best way to create MORE in your life, not less! I suggest you take me up on this ONE THING idea just for ONE YEAR as a test, you can always go back next year!)

- If your ONE THING is losing weight for the last time and becoming free from food forever YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE, this challenge is FOR YOU.

- WHY do you want to lose weight for the last time? Create these! THESE REASONS MUST COMPEL YOU, MOVE YOU, LIGHT YOU UP! Do not judge your reasons. They are allowed to be “deep” and they are allowed to be “vain”. Create a list of 20. Keep going until you get there.

- If you want to lose weight for the last time with ease, you MUST balance your hunger hormones. The easiest way to do this is to remove processed sugar and flour. Start small. If you do not balance your hunger hormones you will be fighting against yourself to lose weight and you will be eating for hormonal hunger which is not true hunger. I want you eating almost exclusively for physical hunger. This may be hard at first but TRUST me it gets SO easy. Be willing.

I expand more on the above in the video from today! You can watch it right inside our private pop up fb group dedicated just to this challenge.


Adele's Before and After....


The Last Health Challenge You Ever Do!