how do you want to feel this week?
How do you want to feel this week?
One word.
You pick.
But what happens when something happens or someone does something that “gets in the way” of your calm? Of your relax? Of your present? Of your CHOSEN FEELING?
Like what if your mother in law asks ***again*** when you’re gonna get pregnant?
Or your sister pushes food?
Or the cousin brings up vaccines?
Or the kids are at each other’s throats AGAIN?
Here’s what you do: stuff your face with the pumpkin pie filling and down a bottle of wine.
[I mean this issss an option]
Buttttt if you want to be more purposeful: decide now what you will THINK and DO when people act how they always act so you can maintain your CHOSEN FEELING.
Because guess what? People can’t MAKE you feel one way or another.
No external circumstance can. Your thoughts ABOUT the people and the external circumstances cause your feelings.
And people get to do and be whoever they want. And so do you.
You get to decide. Regardless of them. So decide now. Get your plan. What will you think and do when your people act as they always have? How can you find love? Acceptance? Peace? Calm?
This is for YOU.
Because when you plan in this way it’s a lot easier to not overeat or over drink in order to numb out or escape or avoid.
When you feel in control you don’t feel like you need to go outside of yourself for some relief.
We’re getting close to doors opening inside the yummy mummy experience. Be sure you’re on the waitlist. Click here.
All my clients that are inside the YMX are losing weight this week AND having more fun than they’ve ever had this holiday season. They are in control. This is what I teach them. And if you want to learn too, what are you waiting for?