lessons from Mexico

Weds Words Mexico.jpeg

There were a lot of cookies here in Mexico. When we weren’t at the pool we were in the board room.

You babes know about board rooms right? They come with cookies.

What is so fun is I just plain didn’t notice they were there. I only noticed on the last day when I was looking for a lemon.

5 years ago I would have been so focused on the cookies. “Was I gonna have one? Should I? Okay just one. Well one more won’t matter. And then fuck how am I gonna clean all the cookie eating up?”

The real problem here is then I wouldn’t have been focused on what was going on in the board room.

And what was going on in that board room was really fucking important. What I was learning and implementing was my life’s work. My calling. My passion. Me learning how to better serve my dear babe yummy mummies. You. So not being focused on that and being focused on the cookies would have been VERY COSTLY.

What is the REAL cost of you NOT calming the food chatter down?

My guess is it is way more costly than the yummy mummy experience.

Get your cute booty on the list for the next round of the yummy mummy experience now. Link here.


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