The Solution you have been desperate for....

The Yummy Mummy Experience: a 6 month course and group coaching program to lose weight for the last time is...

​THE SOLUTION to your seemingly unsolvable weight/ body/ food drama PROBLEM.

​Thank god.

​You can sigh a sigh of relief now.

​You will (with my help) create a plan that you LOVE and then you will learn how to WANT to follow and adjust that plan so you are at your DREAM WEIGHT (read: dream weight, not just a few pounds down) FOREVER. FOREVER. FOR THE LAST TIME.

​Babes. This is it.

​Oh. And did I mention it will be fun!?!?!?!?

​You are going to love it.

​Are you coming?​

Be sure you’re on the list so that when applications open for the Yummy Mummy, you’ll have early access to apply. It’s first come, first served. Link here.

​Kendall a yummy mummy who used to yo-yo and had tried all the things (especially a lot of weight watchers) lost 36 pounds in 4 months and is now at 126 is saying:

​"The best part: I totally believe that I will not gain my weight back...

​I would shout it from the rooftops, it's so much better - I got back to my true self - me at my core and...

​I just love my protocol and the way it makes me feel!"

​Love you Kendall! Thank you so much for inspiring all the future Yummies!


Give Yourself This Gift!


how to think