The Solution you have been desperate for....
The Yummy Mummy Experience: a 6 month course and group coaching program to lose weight for the last time is...
THE SOLUTION to your seemingly unsolvable weight/ body/ food drama PROBLEM.
Thank god.
You can sigh a sigh of relief now.
You will (with my help) create a plan that you LOVE and then you will learn how to WANT to follow and adjust that plan so you are at your DREAM WEIGHT (read: dream weight, not just a few pounds down) FOREVER. FOREVER. FOR THE LAST TIME.
Babes. This is it.
Oh. And did I mention it will be fun!?!?!?!?
You are going to love it.
Are you coming?
Be sure you’re on the list so that when applications open for the Yummy Mummy, you’ll have early access to apply. It’s first come, first served. Link here.
Kendall a yummy mummy who used to yo-yo and had tried all the things (especially a lot of weight watchers) lost 36 pounds in 4 months and is now at 126 is saying:
"The best part: I totally believe that I will not gain my weight back...
I would shout it from the rooftops, it's so much better - I got back to my true self - me at my core and...
I just love my protocol and the way it makes me feel!"
Love you Kendall! Thank you so much for inspiring all the future Yummies!