loving unconditionally
Our bodies are actually neutral but the world has taught us to hate them.
To think that there’s something to fix, that there’s something really wrong.
We don’t have to think this way. We can think however we want AND still choose to want to lose weight.
I’m like why not love them? It’s so much more fun. At first it might not feel fun. At first it might feel awkward and uncomfortable, but this is not a reason to not love unconditionally.
Key word: unconditionally.
Meaning without condition.
Meaning there’s no more “when my body looks _________ then I will be _________.”
How can you love your body now? Do you even want to?
And if love is too much of a stretch go for acceptance. Then we can get to love later.
Step one: just notice when you want to shame or hate or change your body. It’s okay to notice these patterns and in fact it s actually how we change.
Step two: Then what could you think instead that feels TRUE?
We learn this more deeply through the Yummy Mummy experience.
Be sure you’re on the list so that when applications open for the Yummy Mummy, you’ll have early access to apply. It’s first come, first served. Link here.