look for the awesome

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Can you see what my pen says?

I’ll tell you. “Look for the awesome”. That’s what it says.

​I recommend it.

​Because what you look for is what you’ll see.

​For example:

​“It’s not working.”

​My clients will want to think this sometimes. Then they’ll find evidence to prove this to be true. Because that’s what they’re looking for. This is not awesome.

​Almost always, it actually is working. They just aren’t looking for it.

​So look for what you want to see. For what you want your life to be.

​If you look for awesome and for it’s working, then that’s what your life will be. It will be awesome and it will work.

​If you look for the suck and what’s not working that’s what you’ll find and that’s what your life will be.

​Now you have to actually do this on purpose (but it’s not that hard) because if you don’t do it on purpose your brain will do suck and it’s not working by default.

​So everyday write down three things that have gone awesome in the past 24 hours. Do it. No excuses. There’s always always always 3 things.

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what MY coach says....