My 18 month old son is PHYSICAL.
His teachers call it “Big Body Play”.
He can jump, dribble, throw with pretty damn good accuracy and climb anything he gets his hot little hands on.
WHY can he do all this?
Because he takes risks.
You should see him.
His head looks like an art project. At any given time he has so many black and blues I am slightly worried CPS is gonna get called.
He has gotten so far physically in his little life because he is willing to take risks.
He is willing to fall. To get hurt. To be super uncomfortable. And cry a lot.
But he gets what he ultimately wants. To play with the big kids, to move his body the way he wants, to have fun.
Where is your unwillingness to take a risk holding you back from what you really want?
Take the risk.
Go get what you want.
It is not like you aren’t uncomfortable already.
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