What you are not changing, you are choosing...

Every day you eat pretty healthy but there are a few “slip ups”.

-you sneak a few pieces of your kids candy late at night 

-or you go back for seconds when you are not hungry


Have you guys seen the meme that says:

“whatever you are not changing….

you are choosing”....?

(the meme even says: read that again)

And now please consider this list:

  • Your current weight

  • The food you put in your mouth with your hand

  • Moving your body

  • Anything else you are not changing

These are all things we are CHOOSING. They didn’t happen to us.

Now I am not suggesting that you change these things.

Unless of course you want to.

But what I am suggesting is that we stop pretending that we are not choosing one or the other.

Nothing can make us put the craptastic food in our mouths.

Nothing can make us eat the special thing that our friend gave us.

Nothing can make us continue to sit on the couch.

When we stop pretending we aren’t in control we can start taking our power back.

And when we take our power back we can create our dream come true bodies.

Try in on for yourself.

What if you were in charge? What could you create then?

Have the Best Week Ever!


PS If you want to choose losing weight for the last time as something you want to create, I can help you! Woo hoo! I have just ONE -  1-on-1 spot available. You can apply here.

OR you can get your name on the Waitlist for January 2021 Edition of The Yummy Mummy Experience: a course and group coaching to lose weight for the last time by applying here. (Our October group is full and is AMAZING, you don’t want to miss out on January!!!)


Are you in purgatory?


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